Our Pastor & Leadership
Our Pastor
Who Is the Pastor?
Your pastor at Pawnee Methodist Church is a South Texas kid that grew up working cattle, playing sports, rodeoing, and growing up in a family that worked together, played together, and loved each other just like Jesus tells us to. I was brought up sitting right next to Grandma in the Baptist church in Three Rivers, Tx where you might be in your work clothes on some Sundays because Popa needed you to work cattle as soon as the alter call was done, but you didn’t skip. Grandma made sure that we all got Jesus first and boy am I blessed for it. I ended up spending a 27 year stent teaching and coaching some of the best people I know, my students and athletes who helped mold me into the preacher I am today. You see God has plans to prepare us before we even know the call. As I see it, I am still teaching and coaching just for God’s team now. So do not be surprised if you attend worship with us and you think you are getting a sideline pep talk one Sunday and a locker room heart to heart the next. Beside being humbly called by God to use what I was given to serve Him and His children, I am blessed with seven blessings from God who call me Nana and our best moments are on adventures, eating Oatmeal cookie cake, and making pancakes! You see your pastor is a sinner too I eat too much “good” food and make so many other mistakes too. But the thing is we are in this together, as your pastor I am not here to shake a finger at anyone if so I best shake it at myself. No, I am here to listen to God, read His Word, and work to serve His Kingdom and His Children by sharing His message, His love, and reaching a hand out to all who earnestly seek Him. I am a simple South Texas kid still wearing boots and jeans most Sundays, but loving our God even more today than I did sitting next to Grandma. God has blessed me to go from the kid who couldn’t sing on key at VBS to the pastor, who still can’t sing, of Pawnee Methodist Church where all are welcome to worship God, follow Jesus, and be in the presence of His Holy Spirit through prayer, the Word, and song.
Our Leaders
Pastor - Lee Ann Dye-Barker
Lay Leader - Lisa Weber
Song Leaders - Peggy Benham, Will Hines, Anna Yanta
Pianist - Roy Cox